Projet Familles Parisiennes

poon of peanut butter into one paper cup for each child. Give each child one of the cups and a plastic knife. Place about 20 raisins in another paper cup for each child. Distribute about 5 pieces of celery to each child. 4 Demonstrate how to use the plastic knife to spr ead the peanut butter onto a piece of celery. Then count out 4 raisins from your paper cup and place the raisins on top of the peanut b utter. Push the raisins down slightly so that they are held on the log with the peanut butter. 5 Tell the children that it is time for 3d models furniture cassina them to make their own ants on a log. Ask them to remember and tell what they should do first: take a piece of celery. Then what should they do next? Spread the peanut butter. Finally, how many raisins go on top of the log? Four. Then what should happen?History Agave ne Projet Familles Parisiennes ctar, also known as honey water in Mexico, has long been used as a sweetener in foods and drinks. It was regarded as a gift from the go .

ike liquid. Some have likened its taste to honey. Medicinal uses The nectar has long been used at a topical treatment for skin infectio ns and wounds, the latter when mixed with salt. The nectar has also been used to help stave off skin bacteria such as staph and, when t aken internally, can help deter intestinal bacteria. Recipe uses Agave nectar can be used as a substitute for sweeteners in recipes. It can replace honey, maple and corn syrups as well as white and brown sugar when used in varying ratios (see Resources).1 Disinfect a 1- male 3d model gallon glass jar in hot soapy water to remove any harmful bacteria that could contaminate your sun tea. 2 Put 16 green tea bags in the glass jar. 3 Fill the 1-gallon glass jar with distilled water. Distilled water has gone through a heat process which removes harmful ba Projet Familles Parisiennes cteria from the water. A bacteria called Alcaligenes viscolactis is often found in tap water. The Center for Disease Control warms that .

glass jar outside in a sunny area and let it sit for three hours. Regularly check the glass jar to make sure that it is being exposed t o full sunlight. Relocate the jar if necessary, to keep it in the sun. 6 Chill the jar of sun tea in the refrigerator after it has stee ped in the sun for three hours. For best results, drink the tea within two days. 7 Pour the green sun tea over a cup of ice to make a r efreshing drink. To impart a sweet flavor, add honey or sugar to the tea.Recipe Tips The sweetness of stevia drops varies by the bottle css text fonts r, but in general, it is about 10 to 15 times sweeter than sugar. Use your stevia drops to your taste, but a rule of thumb is that 1 cu p of sugar is approximately equivalent to 1 tsp. of stevia drops. If you are just beginning to cook with stevia, consider using a combi Projet Familles Parisiennes nation of maple syrup, yinnie syrup or honey with stevia until you feel comfortable adapting your own recipes.Remember, stevia, whether .

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