Projet Familles Parisiennes

n. 7 Remove the cake pan or cooking sheet from the oven and let it stand. Be sure to let the mix cool long enough to let the oil dry so mewhat. 8 Place contents in a serving bowl or permanently store them in another freezer bag, Tupperware bowl, or covered dish.1 Collect pumpkin seeds while you are breaking down the pumpkin, whether it be for cooking or carving purposes. Keep seeds together in a bowl. 2 Rinse the pumpkin seeds to remove any extraneous material, such as dirt or the gooey insides of the pumpkin. 3 Soak the seeds in a sma simple email templates ll jar with warm water for two to three days. The jar should only be about one-third full of water to cover the seeds. Stir the mixture daily. This fermentation will kill bacteria. If any seeds float to the top they are damaged and will not plant well; dispose of these. Projet Familles Parisiennes 4 Spread the seeds out individually on a piece of newspaper or a brown paper bag. Allow the seeds to dry completely; this process can .

wspaper method. Place the seeds on a baking sheet in the oven on low heat for three to four hours. Turn the seeds with a spatula every fifteen minutes to half hour to avoid burning. 6 Store the dried seeds in an airtight container in a cool, dry area of your home such a s a cabinet. Keep sealed until you are ready to plant or eat to avoid moisture damaging the seeds.1 Peel the burdock roots and wash the m. Chop the burdock root into small chunks using a sharp knife. The chunks should be no larger than 1 square inch, and all should be ap free powerpoint templates animals proximately the same size so they cook evenly. 2 Boil or steam the burdock chunks until tender (usually 3-5 minutes). Steaming vegetabl es retains more nutrients than boiling, according to Andrew Weil, M.D., in his article "Is It Better to Steam or Boil Vegetables?" Once Projet Familles Parisiennes tender, place the burdock root pieces into a food processor or blender and finely chop or puree them. 3 Dry the root puree completely .

il completely dry, occasionally turning and crumbling the root paste with a spatula. Use a food dehydrator to dry the root mash for at least 12 hours or until completely dry, occasionally turning and crumbling it. If using an oven, set the oven to 150 degrees F or its l owest setting and, with the oven door ajar, bake the root paste on baking sheets for up to 48 hours. Turn and crumble it occasionally. 4 Crumble the burdock root mash one final time once it is completely dry, and, using a mill or grain grinder, grind the pulp into flour 3d models free human over a bowl.1 Use oils such as natural olive oil to add flavor to your cooked dishes and salads. Olive oil and other healthful oils su ch as sesame oil naturally add a robust flavor when used to cook meats or vegetables or in salad dressings. Butter also has a distincti Projet Familles Parisiennes ve taste. If you are limiting sodium, look for unsalted or sweet butter. 2 Use fresh lemon juice or vinegar to wake up the taste buds a .

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