Projet Familles Parisiennes

s, leaving about one inch of space at the top. 10 Top the drink with a small amount of creamer. Use the straw to mix the drink and suck the pearls up through the straw.1 Pour cup of sugar into mixing bowl. 2 Add 1 1/2 to 2 tbsp. of water to the sugar and stir. The sugar mix should be the consistency of wet sand. 3 Add one or two drops of your choice of food coloring into the sugar and water mix. 4 Stir the sugar, water, and food coloring together. 5 Press the sugar into the candy molds and let set for one minute. Any shape of candy mo 3d icons free download for windows 7 lds will work for this; try using holiday themed molds like Christmas trees for a Christmas party. 6 Flip the mold over on to the wax p aper to release the decorative sugars. 7 Dry the sugars overnight on the wax paper. 8 Store in an airtight container until needed, or p Projet Familles Parisiennes lace in gift bags to add flair to tea gifts.1 Measure 1/2 cup of bobo or tapioca pearls per drink. Bring seven times the amount of wate .

dairy or coconut), honey and ice cubes in a blender. For each drink use 3/4 cup melon, 1/3 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup milk, 2 tbsp. hone y, and 3 to 4 ice cubes. Blend to a fine puree. Optionally, bubble tea can be "on the rocks" with these ingredients shaken in a cocktai l shaker rather than blended. 3 Pour the pearls into the bottoms of large glasses. Pour the blended ingredients on top. Serve with extr a-wide straws. Whipped cream is optional.1 Gather edible flowers from your garden or purchase from an online store or local seller. If standard cv template free download you are purchasing them, make sure that the flowers have not been sprayed with fertilizers, pesticides or any other chemicals. Wash the flowers in water and add a little salt to help get rid of any insects. You can use fuchsias, herbs, roses, jasmine and many others. 2 Projet Familles Parisiennes Sew the flowers together into a ball while they are still fresh using the needle and cotton thread. 3 Gather or purchase fresh green te .

?-inch strips. Only cut to the stems of the leaves, as you need the leaves to still be connected to the stems. Lay the tea leaves on a flat surface in a wheel pattern and place the edible flowers in the center. 5 Gather the tea leaves and flowers, making sure to hold t he stems together. Sew through the stems and around the stem bundle. Make sure that you have sewn all of the stems together, including those on the inside of the bundle. 6 Roll the bundle into a ball by rolling and squeezing it in your hands. Set your oven to its lowest free bill of auto free form heat. Leave the tea ball in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes. If left for longer, the tea ball could lose it flavor. 7 Brew your flowerin g tea ball by placing it into a clear tea pot and adding boiling water. The leaves will soften and you will see it flowering in a few m Projet Familles Parisiennes inutes. Leave the ball for at least five minutes and then pour into a cup or glass for a full flavored tea.1 Heat water to a boil in a .

Projet Familles Parisiennes | Projet Familles Parisiennes | Projet Familles Parisiennes | Projet Familles Parisiennes