Projet Familles Parisiennes

5 Serve the extra buttery popcorn to your family and curl up in front of a good movie. They'll never wish for theater popcorn again.Ch icken Mixed Green Salad with Italian Avacado Dressing 1 Place skillet on stovetop on medium heat. Add olive oil to pan. Place chicken i n pan and cook for five to six minutes on each side, lightly browning each side. Set aside. 2 Empty mixed greens into salad bowl. Slice onion into thin strips and slice the tomatoes in half. Drop evenly over mixed greens. Slice chicken into thin strips and place it on t 3d models furniture op of the salad. 3 Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Scoop the flesh of avocado out and into a blender. Pour Italian dressing into blender. Blend mixture until the dressing is smooth. Pour evenly over salad. 4 Sprinkle dried cranberries over the salad. Scoop i Projet Familles Parisiennes nto bowls and serve.1 Dry the corn. The primary ingredient of parched corn is dried corn. To dry fresh corn on the cob, hang it in a dr .

onally to prevent burning. 2 Oil the skillet. Add a small amount of butter, lard or oil to a skillet. Cooking spray can also be used. H eat the oil on a low temperature. Wipe the frying pan with paper towel to remove any excess oil. Only a thin coating should remain on t he bottom of the pan. 3 Pour the corn in the skillet. Add enough dry corn to the skillet to just about cover the bottom. The actual amo unt will depend on the size of the skillet. 4 Cook the corn. Allow the corn to cook slowly. Stir the dried corn constantly to prevent b mall 3d model urning. The parched corn is done when the kernels have swollen, and turned a medium brown. A few of the kernels may explode, just like popcorn. 5 Drain the corn. Pour the parched corn onto some paper towel and allow to thoroughly drain and cool. Turn the corn a couple o Projet Familles Parisiennes f times to ensure that all excess oil is absorbed. 6 Store the parched corn. Place the parched corn in a cloth or plastic bag for stora .

ite tea is sold in tea bags and in loose leaf form, and most often comes from China. The buds used to make this tea are young and rare, so white tea is usually more expensive than green or black varieties. Taste White tea has a subtle and sweet taste; the flavors are mo st noticeable after steeping for 3 minutes. Many tea manufacturers sell flavored white tea combined with dried fruits like blueberry, p ear or pomegranate. Caffeine White tea contains a small amount of caffeine. According to Stash Tea, a tea manufacturer, white tea has a free fonts debian n average of 15 mg of caffeine per cup, compared to 20 mg for green and 40 mg for black tea (see Resources). Health Benefits White tea is currently being studied for its potential in preventing some forms of cancer. The Mayo Clinic notes that white tea has been shown to Projet Familles Parisiennes reduce rates of colon cancer in laboratory tests (see Resources).1 Boil 1 ? cups of water in the saucepan. 2 Add 2 tbsp. black tea lea .

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