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ea leaves by throwing the tea leaves in a large bamboo basket. Alternately, crush and roll the leaves. Bruising the tea leaves allows t hem to oxidize evenly and releases fragrance. 3 Expose the bruised tea leaves to air. Wait several days until the edges of the leaves t urn brown. Do not allow the leaves to oxidize too long. 4 Pan-roast the brown tea leaves to stop the oxidation process. Oolong tea flav or depends upon when the leaves are oxidized and how long they are roasted. When properly roasted, oolong tea leaves are stout and crin p90x nutrition plan kled. When steeped, oolong tea leaves are green with reddish edges.1 Attach an outlet adapter to the large round prongs at the end of t he samovar cord, if your samovar was purchased in Russia. Plug the adapter into your standard wall outlet. 2 Fill the samovar with warm Projet Familles Parisiennes or hot water, if possible, and wait for the water to come to a boil, usually about 10 to 15 minutes. You can begin with cool or cold w .

pot. Fill it with boiling water, and allow the mixture to steep for 10 to 15 minutes. This brew will be your tea "concentrate." 5 Fill each teacup ? of the way full with the concentrated tea from the tea pot, and then fill the remainder with boiling water from the samov ar. Add lemon, honey or sugar.Bergamot Oil According to the Tending Toward Tea site, bergamot is a type of orange. An oil is extracted from the rind, which is known as bergamot essence. Bergamot oil is often used for relaxation and getting to sleep. Teas Bergamot was fi magento jewelry templates rst introduced into tea by the Chinese. The modern-day tea that's commonly known as Earl Grey was named for Charles Grey, who asked Ric hard Twining to duplicate the Chinese bergamot tea. Although Earl Grey is still one of the more common types of tea with bergamot, Lady Projet Familles Parisiennes Grey and Green Grey teas are also popular. How to Prepare Tea can be prepared a variety of ways. Usually, bergamot is served a hot bev .

er a wider selection of teas flavored with bergamot. Other Uses for Bergamot If you enjoy bergamot tea, you might be interested in know ing that the bergamot rind is sometimes candied and used in recipes much the same way as other citrus rinds.Anti-mutagenic, Anti-carcen ogic Benefits Because rooibos tea has such a high concentration of polyphenols, it has been compared to green tea in the way that it he lps to protect the body against cellular mutations that can lead to cancer. Drinking rooibos tea regularly will not necessarily prevent free ophthalmology powerpoint templates cancer, but it can help lower your risk of getting certain cancers. Delays the Aging Process Free radicals are cellular "trash" that a ttack normal, healthy body cells. This contributes to the aging effect, and can cause a person to look older sooner. Japanese researche Projet Familles Parisiennes rs have recently determined that rooibos tea contains natural chemicals that attack free radicals that are circulating in our bodies. D .

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