Projet Familles Parisiennes

fully oxygenated. 2 Bring the water almost to a boil. For green tea, a water temperature of 160 to 180 degrees is optimum. 3 Rinse the tea cup in hot tap water. This warms the cup before brewing the tea so that the heat from the brewing water is not lowered when it's p oured into the cup. 4 Place 1 tsp. of loose green tea leaves into a tea infuser ball. Avoid packing the tea leaves in the infuser, as t hey need room to expand. 5 Pour the hot water from the kettle into the tea cup. Place the infuser ball in the hot water. 6 Steep the te free basic html templates websites a in the cup for two to three minutes. Remove the tea ball immediately once the brewing time completes.Spoon Infuser 1 Pour hot water i nto your tea cup or pot. 2 Open the spoon infuser by pushing on the clasp holding the two sections together. Place the loose leaf tea i Projet Familles Parisiennes nto the spoon and close the clasp. 3 Put the spoon into the tea cup or pot. Let the tea steep to the desired strength and remove the in .

. Filling the ball more than half way may not allow for the leaves to steep properly and can result in bitter tasting tea. Nylon Tea In fuser 7 Fill the nylon mesh bag with loose leaf tea. 8 Pour hot water over the nylon bag slowly allowing it to go over the leaves and d rip into the cup below. 9 Hold the bag above the cup until all water has drained from the bag.1 Heat water to boiling in a separate pot on the stovetop if making black, oolong or herbal tea; heat the water to a near boil if making green or white tea. Pour some of the wa clothing brand business plan template ter into the iron Japanese teapot to warm the teapot up to the same temperature as the tea. Allow to set up to a minute. 2 Pour the wat er from the teapot into the teacups you intend to use, especially if you use iron teacups. This finishes rinsing the teapot and preheat Projet Familles Parisiennes s the cups. 3 Add 1 tsp. of loose tea leaves to the infuser basket inside the teapot. Add slightly more for larger tea leaves such as w .

s, black teas can go for three to five minutes and herbal teas can take five to seven minutes. 5 Remove the infuser basket and pour the tea into the teacups. The tea will remain warm in the iron Japanese pot for up to an hour if you do not drink it immediately.Raw Fruit Skewers 1 Cut the watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon and pineapple into cubed, bite-sized pieces. Cut the strawberries in half, le ngthwise from stem to bottom. Place each fruit in the fridge to stay fresh while you continue cutting. 2 Thread each piece of fruit ont free html web templates business o skewers, alternating fruit type. Leave at least 1 inch of exposed skewer at the top and bottom of each serving, so the skewer can be easily held and won't fall off during a meal. 3 Arrange the skewers on a serving plate. You can stack them lengthwise or along the edge Projet Familles Parisiennes s of a round plate in a circular pattern. A fresh yogurt dip with a serving spoon is a nice touch for the center of a round plate. Gril .

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