Projet Familles Parisiennes

r nuts on a cookie sheet at 150-170 degrees Fahrenheit until lightly browned. 3 Put the roasted nuts into a food processor and add 2-5 tablespoons of canola oil. Mix until the nut butter is at the desired creaminess. If you want a sweeter nut butter add brown sugar to t aste. Add salt to taste. 4 Store your nut butter in a jar and keep in the refrigerator. Remember that your nut butter is not full of pr eservatives so it won't keep as long as store bought nut butter. 5 Enjoy your nut butter on fruit, crackers, and muffins. Fill small ja easter free icons rs and wrap with a red ribbon and you have a great birthday, Christmas, or party gift to give away.Setting Up the Press A tea press is made up of a couple different parts. The first part is the brewing chamber of the tea press. This chamber is usually made of clear glas Projet Familles Parisiennes s or plastic and is large enough to hold several cups of water. The second component is the lid, which has a plunger handle running thr .

s under warm water. Leave the lid off of the chamber and place it on a level, heatproof surface. Brewing the Tea Heat water on the stov e until it is steaming, but not boiling. Boiling water tends to yield bitter tea. Pour the desired amount of water into the brewing cha mber, then add about a teaspoonful of dry tea leaves for every cup of liquid. Adjust the plunger handle so that the mesh screen is flus h with the bottom of the lid, and place the lid on the brewing chamber. Wait about 5 minutes (or until the tea reaches the desired colo minecraft custom textures download r), then depress the plunger handle until the mesh screen is against the bottom of the brewing chamber and the tea leaves are trapped b eneath it. Serve the tea immediately. Cleaning Up After the tea is served, you'll want to remove the wet leaves from the tea press. Tea Projet Familles Parisiennes leaves that are left in the tea press can stain the brewing chamber (particularly if it is plastic) and can grow moldy. Remove the lid .

ket of the microwave rice cooker. Add enough water to cover the brown rice, and stir to clean the rice. 2 Pour the water out of the bas ket, pouring slowly so the rice stays in the basket. Don't worry about removing every drop of the water. 3 Pour 4 cups of liquid into t he basket, and stir it with the rice. The liquid can be water or beef, vegetable or chicken broth. 4 Put the lid on the microwave rice cooker, and tighten the cover by securing the clips. Put the cooker into the microwave. Cook the brown rice for 14 minutes, and don't r spurgeon audio books emove the lid until the end of the cooking time. 5 Check the brown rice to see if it is ready to serve. If it's still a bit firm, put t he lid back on, and cook it for an additional 2 to 4 minutes. If necessary, add a bit more liquid. This recipe makes enough brown rice Projet Familles Parisiennes to serve four people.Ginger Ginger is a tasty remedy for colds, sore throats and other winter ailments. For people with stomach ailment .

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