Projet Familles Parisiennes

ved from the freezer.1 Peel a chunk of ginger root and grate. Measure out a teaspoon of grated root for every cup of tea you wish to ma ke. 2 Boil as much water as you wish to make into tea. While water is boiling add your ginger root. Lower heat and cover. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. 3 Pour tea through a tea strainer. If you don't have a strainer, pour slowly, making sure the ginger root stays in the pan. Add lemon or sweetener as desired.Peeling Potatoes To make potato chips, the potatoes must be thoroughly washed and peeled. Hand p html custom fonts eelers are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased at your local kitchen store or grocery store, but they can be difficult to use. If you're going to peel potatoes in bulk, you may want to look into a commercial peeler--the potato is placed on a stake or stand and t Projet Familles Parisiennes he potato is rotated with a handle as the skin is peeled off. You can purchase commercial potato peelers online (see Resources section) .

can be sliced by hand or with a commercial slicer. If you are only slicing a few potatoes, slicing by hand is probably the easiest meth od. Use a sharp knife to slice the chips as thin as possible. The thinner you slice the chips, the more crispy they will be. You can us e a serrated knife to create ripples in your chips.If you choose to purchase a commercial slicer, you can buy one at a restaurant-suppl y store. Usually, a commercial slicer will involve placing several potatoes into the slicer at once, and they will all be sliced in one easter free icons motion. The slicer typically includes a lever, but if it's used in a chip-manufacturing plant, the slicer may slice automatically once the potatoes have been loaded. If you would like to get thinner slices but do not want to buy a commercial slicer, you can use a veget Projet Familles Parisiennes able mandolin to cut your potatoes into thin chip slices. Frying Potatoes Potato chips need to be fried for only a few seconds, because .

place the potato chips in the oil, flip them over after several seconds, and after several more seconds, use a spatula to place them on a drying rack. You can use paper towels to dab off excess oil, if desired.If you have a commercial fryer, fill the fryer with oil and set the temperature to 375 degrees. Once the temperature has been reached, place the potato chips in the fryer basket and lower the bas ket into the oil. Leave the chips in the basket for 10 seconds, then lift the basket out of the fryer and place it on a plate lined wit minecraft custom textures download h paper towels. The chips are ready to eat as soon as they are cool, and toppings such as salt and pepper can be added.1 The first thin g you need to do in order to make nut butter is to choose your nut. Do you want cashew, pecan, almond, peanut or hazelnut butter? Each Projet Familles Parisiennes nut has it's own distinct flavor and set of antioxidants. 2 The second thing you need to do in order to make nut butter is to roast you .

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