Projet Familles Parisiennes

f the olives, and this oil has the richest flavor. What is called pure olive oil has less flavor, and is considerably cheaper. You can use a mixture of the two in salad dressing to get more bang for your buck. Other Oils You can vary your dressing by adding a little haz elnut oil, which goes well with pears, or walnut oil, nice in a salad that has walnuts and/or apples in it. Sesame oil is good in salad s that are accompanying an Asian meal. Most of these are too strongly flavored to use on their own, so they should be added to olive oi templates for oscommerce l or to a neutral-tasting vegetable oil, like canola. Vinegar White vinegar doesn't have much flavor, but red wine vinegar, balsamic vi negar and apple cider vinegar all add nuances of flavor. You can also squeeze fresh lemon and use that as your acid, but don't use bott Projet Familles Parisiennes led juice, which can be bitter. Other flavors Mustard, diced shallots, fresh garlic and fresh herbs can all flavor dressing so well tha .

ary restriction.1 Combine 1 ? tsp. of finely grated lime zest with 1 ? tsp. table salt and ? tsp. ground cayenne pepper in a small mixi ng bowl. Stir well to mix and set aside. 2 Fill a heavy saucepan with 2 inches of vegetable oil and place it on the stove over medium-h igh heat. Continue heating until the oil reaches 375 degrees F on a cooking thermometer. 3 Cut off the ends of four large green plantai ns while the oil is heating. Score the skins of the plantains with a sharp knife lengthwise five times. Do not score on the natural rid free pollution powerpoint templates ges of the fruit, but in between them. 4 Fill a large mixing bowl with hot water, and place the scored plantains in the bowl. Soak for five minutes and then drain the water. Peel the plantains and slice them lengthwise with a vegetable peeler into thin strips no more th Projet Familles Parisiennes an 1/16" in thickness. 5 Transfer the plantain strips to the hot oil in batches of about six to eight at a time. Fry 30 to 40 seconds, .

r is a natural disinfectant and has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. With the right mix of ingredients it can be used for huma n consumption as well as a disinfectant. Ingredients of Four Thieves Vinegar Four Thieves Vinegar is made from natural ingredients. You will find Lavender, Sage, Thyme, Hyssop, peppermint, lemon balm and some garlic cloves in the basic concoction. Garlic as an ingredien t found its way in much later. The ingredients vary slightly depending on whether you want to make it edible or for use as a disinfecta 3d models frog nt. Making and Storage Once you have all the ingredients, you will have to blend them together in a food grade glass jar. Use apple cid er vinegar to cover the ingredients and leave to infuse in a cool place for a little more than a month. Strain away the herbs and garli Projet Familles Parisiennes c before use. Uses of Edible Version The edible version can be used as salad dressing with other ingredients. It can also be ingested b .

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