Projet Familles Parisiennes

e appliance. A commercial deep fryer may take an hour to heat. 2 Slice the onion to make the rings. Thickness of the slices will depend on personal preference, yet may be similar to a thick onion sliced for a hamburger. To avoid tearing, leave the onion skins on while s licing. 3 Separate the onion slices into rings. Pull rings apart from the individual slices and discard the onion skin. 4 Beat an egg i n a bowl until completely blended. Coat onion slices in the egg wash. The amount of eggs needed will depend on how many onion rings you Flat Belly Diet will be making. Begin with one egg, and make more wash if needed. 5 Dip the egg covered onion rings in the flour to completely coat th em. To make an extra thick batter, re-dip in the egg after coating in flour, and re-coat with a second layer of flour. The flour can be Projet Familles Parisiennes seasoned if desired, before coating the slices. 6 Place the onion rings into the frying basket. Do not overfill, as the onion rings wi .

r towel covered plate and sprinkle it with salt. Serve the rings hot.Hot Brewing Boil fresh water and pour it over double the number of tea bags per eight ounce serving. Seep the tea bags for three to five minutes, remove then add ice to cool the tea. The one drawback w ith the hot method is hot water brings out the tannin in tea and can leave the tea tasting bitter. Tannin is a naturally occurring elem ent in tea leaves and gives tea its color and flavor. Black teas are best brewed with fresh boiling water while green teas prefer fresh templates for oscommerce water at any temperature as long as it is not boiling. Cold Brewing Brew tea in a covered pitcher, mason jar, water bottle or other ve ssel, using one tea bag per pint (16 oz.) of water. Place the container in the refrigerator overnight or for at least six hours. Tea ta Projet Familles Parisiennes kes longer to steep in cold water. Sun Tea Place tea in a covered container, adding one tea bag per pint (16 oz.) of water, and set in .

ng and flavoring station giving you a fresh glass of iced tea in minutes. Tea Sweetening Add only half the amount of sugar to iced tea than what you would normally add to hot tea. Sugar can be added either at the beginning of brewing or when the tea is served. Refreshin g History Iced tea is an American drink dating back to the old South, when Southerners found relief from the heat drinking cool tea pun ch and then sweet tea. It was popularized after the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis when tea merchant Richard Blechynden put ice in his free pollution powerpoint templates tea samples to entice fairgoers to drink the tea because a heat wave wasn't encouraging people to seek out hot beverages. Iced tea was first made using green tea but as Americans began buying more of their tea from British merchants whose tea came from India, black tea Projet Familles Parisiennes soon became the dominant tea.Olive Oil Start a dressing with extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin means it is from the first pressing o .

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