Projet Familles Parisiennes

sting and Picking Tea The first step in the tea manufacturing process is to pick the leaves of the tea from the plant. This is often do ne in some countries by a mechanical harvester. Some countries that grow tea pick the leaves by hand. Women are considered better picke rs and more coordinated than men for this job. They try to pick the less coarse leaves, which are weighed, then sent to the factory for processing. Most hand pickers strive to pick only two leaves and a bud. In most Asian countries the tea picking starts in the spring a morrowind connary textures download nd continues from May through August. In Africa tea is picked throughout the year. All types of tea are produced from the same plant. T he differences come from the ways the tea is processed. Methods Used to Process Tea One of the methods used in processing tea is wither Projet Familles Parisiennes ing the tea leaves. The leaves are spread out on long, enclosed troughs, and air is blown through them. This causes them to dry and los .

and takes 90 minutes or more. The tea leaves are in trolleys or large trays where humidified air is blown onto them to produce oxidati on. Rollers treated with the compound polyphenol break the leaves down when oxygen hits them. The leaves turn from green to red, then b rown to black in the process. This is an important step which develops the flavor and composition of black tea. Drying, Grading, and Pa cking Tea The leaves are dried in machines. They are exposed to hot air from dryers and then sent to different parts of the factory to stockton audio books be sorted. Green tea is dried on bamboo trays in the sun, then roasted in hot pans to further dry the leaves. They are rolled and dried again in large, hot pans. Qualified tasters then taste the tea and examine it for color, flavor, and texture. A grading machine is rou Projet Familles Parisiennes nd in shape. It sorts out grades of tea by shaking and vibrating different levels of screens. After the tea is sorted it is sent on the .

o cure various ailments. Ingredients Traditional chai tea contains black tea and a blend of spices, which include cardamom, cinnamon, c loves and peppercorns. After the spices and tea steep, the mixture is strained and milk and honey are added. Benefits Chai tea offers m any health benefits. The black tea contains many antioxidants, which help to reduce inflammation. In addition, each spice provides its own benefits: Cinnamon helps settle the stomach and eases nausea and diarrhea; black pepper and cloves stimulate digestion; and cardamo Dukan Diet m provides warmth to the body and aids in digestion. How to Drink Chai tea is traditionally drunk with milk and honey; however, chai te a lattes have become increasingly popular. These drinks contain chai tea and milk blended together. Availability Chai tea is widely ava Projet Familles Parisiennes ilable throughout the world. It should be noted, however, that not all chai tea is created equally. Many U.S. versions contain more swe .

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