Projet Familles Parisiennes

that help cleanse the body. Chlorophyll also serves as an anti-inflammatory aid.Preparing the Popcorn and Selecting a Microwave Settin g To prepare a microwavable bag of popcorn, remove the plastic wrap and unfold the bag. One side of the package should be labeled with This Side Down. Place this side facing downward in the center of the microwave oven and close the door. Different microwave ovens can c ook popcorn differently, so the exact amount of time needed to cook the popcorn may vary. In general, you will want to set the temperat make 3d models online ure to high and adjust the timer to two minutes and 30 seconds. Some microwaves are equipped with a special setting for popcorn; in thi s case, simply select the popcorn button, and the temperature and time should be set for you. Stand near the microwave and listen as th Projet Familles Parisiennes e popcorn pops. Stop the microwave when popping slows to two to three seconds between pops. Retrieving the Popcorn Open the microwave a .

diagonally away from each other. Open the bag away from your face, keeping in mind that the popcorn and any unpopped kernels can be ext remely hot. Avoid contact with any steam. Pour the popcorn into a large bowl, as the bag may be too hot to reach into directly.1 Use th e hook (the scorer) of the peeler to make a slit from the stem end down to the other end. 2 Turn the orange a quarter-turn, and repeat until there are four evenly spaced slits running down the orange. 3 Run the curved end of the peeler underneath the skin through one of art nouvea fonts the slits, push down until the skin is separated from the flesh, and pull away the skin. 4 Repeat until the orange is peeled.Refrigera tion 1 Choose figs that yield to gentle pressure when you touch them, as would a ripe peach. Don't buy figs that have a mushy texture; Projet Familles Parisiennes they are overripe and will rot soon. 2 Place the fresh figs into the refrigerator immediately. 3 Use within three days for the best tas .

syrup (1 tbsp. per cup) to stop the figs from becoming discolored. 5 Wash the figs and cut off the stems. Peel the figs and slice them , or you can freeze them whole if you prefer. 6 Place the figs into freezer bags or freezer-safe containers. Leave 1/2 inch of space pe r pint at the top of the bag or container to leave room for the figs to expand as they freeze. 7 Pour the syrup into the containers. Th e syrup should cover the figs, but still leave room for expansion. Seal the container tightly after removing as much air as possible. 8 birthday icons vector Freeze the figs immediately in the coldest part of the freezer.1 Use a Vitamin C Test Strip for Method #1. These small papers are chem ically treated to measure the amount of Vitamin C in fruit juices, and are typically used in labs. They are easy to use and can be purc Projet Familles Parisiennes hased online in amounts of 50 to 100 strips per box. Follow the manufacturer's directions for how to use and dispose of them. 2 Make a .

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