Projet Familles Parisiennes

t was not already prepared. 2 Slice the ginger root into thin slices. Try to keep the slices ? of an inch thick or less. 3 Add 4 cups o f water to a saucepan over high heat. Bring the water to a boil. Once the water boils, add the ginger to the pan. 4 Cover the saucepan with a lid. Reduce the heat to simmer the water. Let the ginger and water simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. 5 Strain the tea by running the water and ginger through a colander. Place a bowl underneath to catch the tea. If you cut the ginger into fine pieces, you may need to ornate textures minecraft download run the mixture through a sieve. 6 Pour the tea into a cup. Add honey or lemon to taste.1 Plug in your yoghurt maker. 2 Pour 1 qt. of m ilk into glass jar. Place jar of milk in a pan of water and heat the milk. Use the candy thermometer to determine when the milk has rea Projet Familles Parisiennes ched 185 degrees. 3 Turn off the heat and allow the milk to cool to 110 degrees. 4 Gently stir 2 tbsp. of fresh plain yoghurt into the .

efrigerate your yoghurt to store it. It will stay fresh for up to two weeks.1 Add some pink color and crunchy tartness to your next sal ad by incorporating some thinly sliced or finely julienned rhubarb stalks. 2 Blend chopped raw rhubarb stalks (fresh or frozen) into yo ur favorite berry smoothie recipe for some added tartness. 3 Cut rhubarb stalks into bite-sized pieces and dip them into a bowl of suga r, maple syrup, honey or agave nectar for a quick and healthy snack. 4 Puree some chopped raw rhubarb stalks (either fresh or frozen) i technical audio books n a blender and add the rhubarb mixture to your next margarita. 5 Sprinkle a handful of chopped raw rhubarb onto your yogurt or breakfa st cereal.1 Read the bag of dried fruit before purchasing. The FDA requires that food companies list all sulfur agents used as preserva Projet Familles Parisiennes tives in concentrations of 10 parts per million (ppm) or more. If you see the phrase, "contains sulfites" on the dried fruit package, d .

ckaging label. 3 Ask your waiter if any dried fruit is contained in your order while dining out in a restaurant, either on the main dis h or as an ingredient in a sauce. If he can't guarantee that the dried fruit being used is organic or sulfite-free, change your order t o a dish that doesn't include dried fruit. Don't eat dried fruit from a salad bar unless you can read the label of the bulk packaging t hat it originated from. If the label warns that the dried fruit "contains sulfites," do not eat. 4 Buy certified organic dried fruit fr apple cider vinegar diet om reputable health food stores and online organic fruit distributors. FDA regulations prohibit the use of sulfite preservatives in org anically grown and produced foods. Make sure the dried fruit clearly states that it is "certified organic" on the label package or bulk Projet Familles Parisiennes bin.Tangelos A tangelo is a hybrid of any kind of mandarin orange with a grapefruit or a pummelo. The first know cross of these fruits .

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