Projet Familles Parisiennes

to make it easier to cut. 2 Use your knife to thinly slice the steak into pieces that are approximately 1/8 inch in width and as long as the original piece of meat. Be sure to cut along the grain of the meat. This will keep it chewy instead of brittle. 3 Place your cut strips into a large zip top bag. Add 1 1/2 tbsp. kosher salt, 1 3/4 tsp. each of garlic powder and onion powder, and 1/4 cup chipotle peppers in adobo sauce that have been finely chopped. If you want a sweeter jerky, add 1 tbsp. of honey. Seal the bag and use your hand animated font icons s to mix the marinade onto the beef. 4 Return the bag to the refrigerator and allow it to sit for 3 to 6 hours. This will allow the fla vors to infuse with the beef. 5 Remove the beef strips from the bag after the 6-hour resting time. Place your strips onto three heater Projet Familles Parisiennes filters. These are the air filters that you can purchase at home improvement stores. You want the strips to rest in the grooves of the .

top filter. This will keep the jerky on the top filter from falling off. 7 Place a clean box fan on its side. You want the airflow to b low upward. 8 Place the four filters on top of the fan. Use two large bungee cords to attach the filters to the fan. To do this, wrap t he cords around the fan and filters and loop the hooks through one another to hold the filters in place. 9 Turn the fan back to its upr ight position and turn it onto medium. Leave it for 8 to 12 hours to dry the meat. 10 Remove the dried meat from the filters and place ornate textures minecraft download them in zip top bags or any airtight container for up to 3 months.1 Hold the boiled egg in your hand. If it is too hot to handle, run i t under cold water or refrigerate for several minutes. 2 Crack the shell by tapping the egg on a hard, flat surface, such as a counter Projet Familles Parisiennes top, desk or cutting board. 3 Remove the pieces of shell with your fingers or a spoon. The hard white pieces should come off as well as .

ck up fallen mature nuts. 2 Use the long pole to tap branches that are out of reach. 3 Place all gathered nuts into a bucket until it i s full or you run out of nuts to gather. 4 Dehusk the nuts by using a hammer or heavy object to smash the husk. Be careful not to smash the shell or nut contained therein. 5 Spread the tarp out underneath the shed or an open place protected from the elements, including sunlight. 6 Spread the nuts out on the tarp to dry for 2 to 3 weeks. 7 Finish drying any wet nuts by placing them in a shallow pan and technical audio books placing it in the oven preheated to 100 to 115 degrees F for 12 hours, stirring every hour or so. Watch them closely so they do not coo k. 8 Use the nutcracker to crack the outer shell. 9 Place all macadamia nuts into a plastic container and seal it shut. Store the nuts Projet Familles Parisiennes in a cool and dry environment.1 Wash the ginger root to remove dirt and debris. Peel the root to reveal the white underneath if the roo .

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