Projet Familles Parisiennes

8 Run the Stevia through a spice mill to crush into Stevia powder. You can also use the back of a spoon in a bowl or crush with mortar and pestal.You can make iced tea easily in an iced tea maker. Iced Tea Makers Iced tea in an electric tea maker requires that you use three or four regular tea bags or two family-size tea bags in two quarts of water. After one cup of sugar is added, the mixture should be stirred and then the tea-maker should be turned on, according to appliance directions. Personal Preference Each person has a prefere tony audio books nce for iced tea strength. You may use fewer tea bags if you want a less caffeinated tea. Alternative sweeteners such as honey or stevi a can be used if you do not like sugar in your tea, and lemon with no sugar can be added if you like your tea tart. Bottom Line Experim Projet Familles Parisiennes ent with tea strength and sweetness. Start with the traditional three to four tea bags in your mixture and adjust this to how strong yo .

k from a giant mug, and you like to drink strong tea, you may prefer to use two tea bags. 2 Measuring the water ensures accuracy. Pour 6 to 8 oz. cold water into a quart-size saucepan or electric hot pot. Add a little extra to account for loss as water comes to a boil. 3 Boiling water will be bubbling rapidly. Bring water to a rolling boil over high heat. When water boils, pour over the tea bag in the cup or mug. 4 Let the tea steep 3 to 5 minutes. Let steep for 3 to 5 minutes. 5 Set tea bag or bags aside. Remove tea bag or bags, and 10 Pounds in 10 Days set aside. 6 Tea should be strong if you plan to add milk. Add optional milk and sugar, stir and drink.Granola or Muesli Muesli combine s raw grains with dried fruit and nuts. Granola and muesli combine dried fruits, nuts and grains for a compact, easy-to-carry snack opt Projet Familles Parisiennes ion. While granola has been cooked to make it crisp, muesli consists of uncooked grains, traditionally soaked overnight in yogurt, to s .

ou needing a bowl and spoon, fruit and nut bars simply require unwrapping to eat. Look for these with breakfast bars, or use your favor ite granola recipe to make your own fruit-and-nut bars. Fruit and Nut Salad Top a fruit salad with nuts for a crunchy topped snack. Cut up a bowl of mixed fruits such as melon, banana and berries and top with a spoonful of toasted nuts such as almonds or peanuts. Serve with yogurt or a light sprinkling of brown sugar. Use frozen fruits heated in the microwave until warmed through, for a warming fruit-a simple blog templates nd-nut snack option for the cold winter months. GORP Select any dried fruit and nuts to use to make your own version of GORP. Prepare a lightweight, no-cooking-required fruit snack known as GORP. This acronym comes from the first letter of the traditional ingredients in Projet Familles Parisiennes the snack: good old raisins and peanuts. Combine equal parts of peanuts and raisins with any snack item. Many variations of GORP exist .

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