Projet Familles Parisiennes

s of the rainbow. Pack some red cherry tomatoes, orange slices, yellow crackers and cheese, green celery, a blueberry bagel with bluebe rry cream cheese, and grape juice for a drink. Get creative with your own food color combinations for healthy and colorful meals. Smart Prepackaged While many prepackaged foods are not very healthy, you can shop wisely and get convenient lunch-sized portions of food tha t fit the brown bag criteria. Try yogurt, pretzels, dried fruit, fruit cups, cheese and crackers, and trail mix--prepackaged items to c the zone diet omplement your sandwich or cold cut wrap. Add raw baby carrots, celery sticks, and cherry tomatoes for a well-rounded lunch that featur es prepackaged goods. With smart choices, using prepackaged items can make brown bag lunch prep time much quicker. Ultra Healthy Use yo Projet Familles Parisiennes ur brown bag lunch to keep you on your diet by filling it with extremely healthy foods. Try lean deli meat in a whole wheat pita stuffe .

tay away from refined sugar and flour, as well as highly processed foods with unhealthy additives.Nuts and Nut Butters A 1oz. serving o f nuts---approximately one small handful---contains anywhere from 160 to 200 calories and 2 to 7 grams of protein, depending upon which type of nut you enjoy. You can enjoy nuts whole or in nut butters such as peanut, almond or cashew butter. Spread nut butters on crack ers or use them as a dip with assorted fruit for a healthy snack. Roasted Chickpeas A 1-cup serving of chickpeas or garbanzo beans cont brat diet ains approximately 399 calories and just under 15 grams of protein. You can roast your chickpeas by draining a can of chickpeas and sha king them in a bag of your favorite herbs and seasonings. Spread the chickpeas on a baking sheet and cook them at 450 degrees for 30 to Projet Familles Parisiennes 40 minutes. The chickpeas will become brown and crunchy and easy to transport in a resealable sandwich bag any time you need a snack. .

ack. Some brands add spices and other flavorings to the fish to add variety and help you find a product that suits your personal tastes . You can enjoy it on crackers, toast or cucumber slices if you don't want to eat the fish alone. A 3 oz. serving of light tuna contain s 100 calories and 22 grams of protein, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Hard-Boiled Eggs Although eggs are some times confused as dairy products, the USDA places them in the meat category of the food pyramid. One large egg contains approximately 7 3 day military diet 0 calories and 6 grams of protein. Scrambled, poached or fried eggs might not sound like snack foods, but hard-boiled eggs are easy to store and eat whenever you need a quick bite. Keep your hard-boiled eggs safe to eat by refrigerating them within 2 hours of cooking an Projet Familles Parisiennes d enjoy them within 1 week. The USDA advises against eating eggs that have been stored at room temperature for more than 2 hours, so ke .

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