Projet Familles Parisiennes

6 Rinse the seeds with filtered water at the end of the 18-hour period, transfer them to a bowl and store them in the refrigerator unt il you are ready to eat them. Each seed should have a green "tail" emerging from it, which is a sprout. Discard any leftover sprouts af ter 72 hours or three days. Buckwheat Seeds 7 Place 1 cup of raw buckwheat in a colander and rinse with filtered water. Drain and place the buckwheat in a wide-mouthed glass jar. Fill the jar with 2 to 3 cups of filtered water, or enough to cover all of the buckwheat. 8 Dr. Andrew Weil Soak the buckwheat in the water for four to six hours or overnight. Pour the buckwheat into a colander, and rinse to get rid of the th ick, syrup-like substance that may be present on the groats after soaking. A groat is a seed that has had its hull removed. 9 Place a p Projet Familles Parisiennes late under the buckwheat to catch any water that may drain out, and allow the seeds to sprout over the next one or two days. 10 Rinse t .

iotic Display Combine strawberries, blueberries and marshmallows for a patriotic display for the Fourth of July or the celebration of a n American soldier returning home. Position each skewer side by side vertically on a plate. Create the American flag by combining blueb erries and marshmallows at the base of the skewer with strawberries and marshmallows toward the tip. If you want a simpler project, sim ply layer a few strawberries, followed by marshmallows and then blueberries, creating an arch on the plate. Strawberry-Shaped Display S the zone diet kewer whole strawberries with the stems cut off. Position the skewers in the shape of a strawberry and top off the center of the strawb erry with triangle-cut melon. This will create the image of a strawberry. Strawberry-shaped displays are fun for strawberry-themed part Projet Familles Parisiennes ies, Strawberry Shortcake birthday parties or outdoor summer parties. The fruit will taste cool and refreshing. Fruitful Display Give a .

is a good idea for fruit bouquets. It enhances the flavor and mixes strong red shades with the softer hues of other fruits. Romantic D isplay Create a romantic display for your significant other with skewered chocolate-covered strawberries. Skewer your whole strawberrie s and leave about an inch between each strawberry. Lay the skewers on a round plate and lightly drizzle chocolate over each skewered st rawberry. Arrange the skewers to create a heart shape on the plate.Leftovers for Lunch Extend last night's dinner into a tasty brown ba brat diet g lunch. Many meals work well as leftover lunches. Try slicing up a grilled chicken breast to dip in a honey mustard sauce, or make a m eat loaf sandwich. Quesadillas or bean burritos taste just as good cold as they do warm. Incorporate side dishes from the night before, Projet Familles Parisiennes like a slice of garlic bread, veggies and dip, or even cheese and crackers. Rainbow Lunch Create a lunch that represents all the color .

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