Projet Familles Parisiennes

shapes like stars, letters or numbers. Make a simple arrangement on a serving platter, and brush the watermelon with some simple syrup or agave nectar. Squeeze fresh lime juice over the top, and garnish with fresh mint leaves and a few strawberries for some bright colo rs.Use cookie cutters to cut perfect shapes from the watermelon slices. For an adult poker game, cut out watermelon diamonds, hearts, s pades and clubs. Arrange on a platter and drizzle with vodka or tequila before serving. Spell out the baby's name or initials for a bab Body for Life y shower, and drizzle the watermelon with a bit of light, fruity wine or sangria for a refreshing taste. Make it Sophisticated People t end to reserve watermelon for their barbecues and picnics, but there are plenty of options to create sophisticated, adult platters for Projet Familles Parisiennes cocktail or dinner parties. Rim the martini glasses in sanding sugar or fine rock sugar by dipping the edges of the rim in a small amou .

atermelon and other fruits, like pineapple, cantaloupe or honeydew melon, into like-sized chunks or balls. Alternate the pieces of frui t on small bamboo skewers with some fresh strawberries. Arrange in a circular pattern on a serving platter. Serve with a side of fresh yogurt mixed with lemon or lime zest for dipping or melted chocolate.1 Cut the cucumbers in half lengthwise, and then cut them again, t his time through their width. Slice your celery across the width into small, ?-inch thick sections. Dice the onion very fine. Remove th Brown Fat Revolution e seeds and veins from the jalapenos and cut into 1/4-inch rings. 2 Combine the chopped vegetables and salt in a large mixing bowl. Tos s everything together until all the vegetables are evenly coated in salt. Allow the salted vegetables to stand for an hour inside the r Projet Familles Parisiennes efrigerator. 3 Combine the remainder of the ingredients in a saucepan. Cook on high heat until it boils and all sugar particles dissolv .

al the jar, shake it and place it in the refrigerator. Shake it once a day for six days, at which time the pickles will be ready to eat .Trail Mix One alternative to popcorn is trail mix, which has a salty taste and is crunchy. In addition, trail mix is a more nutritious snack because it contains fruit and protein in the form of nuts. You can purchase a commercially packaged trail mix or make your own. Common ingredients to include in trail mix are peanuts, raisins, dried fruit and sunflower seeds. Cauliflower A healthy alternative to Caveman Diet popcorn is seasoned raw cauliflower. Use spices such as cayenne pepper and black pepper to give the cauliflower flavor. A sprinkling of sea salt is tasty as well. Put the raw cauliflower in a large plastic bag with a sealing closure on top. Place as much of the seasonin Projet Familles Parisiennes gs and spices as you want in the bag as well. Shake the bag vigorously and it's ready to eat. Pita Bread and Hummus Pita bread and humm .

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