Projet Familles Parisiennes

nce, you may swap out white flour for oat flour, and cinnamon for cardamom. 2 Substitute vegetarian ingredients for animal products. "B etty Crocker's" is very generous with the use of meat, such as crumbled bacon, ham hocks and beef broth, in its older recipes. However, you may want to update these to be vegetarian for health, cost, convenience or ethical reasons. Use herbs and garlic to add flavor ins tead of bacon or ham, and try a vegetable broth when a recipe calls for meat broth. 3 Change the amount of an ingredient in a recipe. S Nutrisystem ome old "Betty Crocker's" recipes seem to be made entirely of butter and sugar. You can reduce the amounts of sugar and fat by at least a third in many older "Betty Crocker's" recipes, just make sure that you maintain the same proportion of liquids to dry ingredients in Projet Familles Parisiennes the recipe. 4 Use a recipe as a guide instead of as fixed instructions. Remember that all recipes can be taken as suggestions. While " .

e whole wheat biscuits; or turn a white sauces into a spicy paprika sauce.Cookie cutter sandwiches Most kids enjoy fun shapes that are interesting to look at and will spark their imaginations. Use your child's favorite cookie cutters to cut stars, hearts or even snowmen out of slices of bread. Spread a layer of peanut butter and jelly and top with an identical cut-out to make a quick and imaginative sn ack. Cookie cutters can also be used when making grilled cheese sandwiches. Cookie Cutter Kabobs Cookie cutters can also make cheese mo oatmeal diet re interesting. High in protein and calcium, cheese makes for a healthy snack for little ones, even if it isn't one that they will pick up and eat on their own. Make it interesting by cutting slices of cheese that are of a medium thickness. Get your kids involved and le Projet Familles Parisiennes t them use the cookie cutters to cut out their favorite shapes. If they are old enough, they can also place them on bamboo skewers alon .

able snack to nibble. Frozen Banana Pops Rich in potassium, bananas are another healthy food that can still be fun to eat. Cut large ba nanas in half and smear them with peanut butter before rolling them in your child's favorite cereal or nuts. Be creative and cover them with sprinkles or even add a few chocolate chips. Push Popsicle sticks through the bottom of each half, wrap in waxed paper and freeze for 3 to 4 hours. Hot Dog People Turn hot dogs exciting and funny by creating mini people out of them. Decorate the dogs by using ketc Omni Diet hup for lips and even pants; squeeze mustard for hair and eyes and add small drops of relish for buttons. Once you've gotten the hang o f cutting and creating the hot dog men, try other creations such as a hot dog octopus.Vitamin E Sunflower seeds are a great source of v Projet Familles Parisiennes itamin E, as 1/4 c. sunflower seeds provides over 90 percent of your suggested daily value of vitamin E. Vitamin E can help reduce the .

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