Projet Familles Parisiennes

minutes to allow the two flavors to mingle. Add one bottle of sparkling white wine prior to serving over a glass of ice.Vinegar Vinegar may inhibit bacterial growth, according to the Mayo Clinic, which can make it an effective treatment for nail fungus or other fungal i nfections when the affected area is soaked in a mixture of 2 parts vinegar to 1 part warm water for 15 to 20 minutes. Vinegar can also help cure lice when used as a rinsing agent following the use of lice medication. Soak the hair in vinegar for several minutes and then Gracie Diet rinse and comb hair. Vinegar can also be used as a treatment for jellyfish stings. Pour vinegar over the affected area to deactivate a ny stingers still present on the skin. Honey Honey may act as a natural cough suppressant, and according to the Mayo Clinic, has been s Projet Familles Parisiennes hown to be as effective as cough medicine in adults and children over the age of 2. Take 2 tbsp. honey every four hours. Do not give to .

s to help clean away bacteria and speed healing. Burns may also heal better when treated with honey. Vinegar and Honey Mixing apple cid er vinegar with honey together in a drink may strengthen the immune system through the antioxidants present in the honey, while providi ng antibacterial properties through the vinegar. This drink is used by some as a detoxifying or cleansing drink. Mix 1 tbsp. apple cide r vinegar, 1 tbsp. honey and 8 oz. cold water. Be aware that stomach upset may occur.Baking with Wheat Germ Add wheat germ to cakes, co grapefruit diet okies, pizza or anything else you bake. Use it for a low-fat source of fiber an Vitamin C and E. Even if the recipe doesn't call for wh eat germ, add a few tablespoons for a nutritious, healthy touch. Use wheat germ as a substitute for flour, cake icing/glazes and bread Projet Familles Parisiennes crumbs in recipes, or as the main ingredient in home-made dog treats. Other Uses for Wheat Germ Because of its slightly nutty flavor, u .

stored at room temperature. To toast wheat germ, place a piece of wax paper on a cookie sheet. Spread the wheat germ kernels over the p aper. Place the sheet in the oven at 250-275 degrees. Check the kernels often. Once they've evenly browned, take the sheet out, allow t o cool and store in an airtight container. Freeze or refrigerate raw germ, instead of toasting it, if you prefer.Fruit After eating a m iracle fruit berry, the humble lemon is transformed from a bitter mouth-puckerer into a fabulous fruit that can be savored alone, with Intermittent fasting a flavor similar to lemonade but with none of its typical unhealthy, sugary additives. Oranges are also enhanced, with the Spanish bloo d orange in particular exhibiting a deep, sweet flavor.The Daily Mail in the UK wrote: "Sinking my teeth into a lemon, I braced to winc Projet Familles Parisiennes e at the sour, citric tang that would inevitably attack my taste buds. But, almost unbelievably, there wasn't a hint of bitterness. The .

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