Projet Familles Parisiennes

en for air circulation. Thinly sliced fruits dry in as little as six hours, while fruit halves can take as long as 36 hours. Flip the f ruit pieces every three to four hours during drying, rotating the tray order if using a dehydrator. 4 Check if your fruit is finished. Pull a couple representative pieces out of the dehydrator or oven and allow them to cool. Once cool, grasp them in your hand and squeez e. Extracting moisture through squeezing means they are not ready. They should be tough and leathery. Tear or cut a piece in half with techno free fonts a knife and check along the tear for moisture beads. Still-moist fruit should given more time to dehydrate. 5 Store dried fruits for la ter use. Use air-tight containers such as zipable plastic bags or plastic food container, and store the dried fruit in a cool, dry plac Projet Familles Parisiennes e. Freezing dried goods also is effective for storage, but freezing temperatures are unnecessary and generally do not extend the life o .

ing to put garlic flavoring into the chips yourself, which can be tricky. For example, using garlic salt to create significant garlic f lavor on plain bagels can make the resulting chips too salty, and using minced garlic can make the chips soft in the middle. 3 Cut each bagel vertically into six to eight thin slices using a serrated knife. You may find it easier to slice a bagel by laying it on a flat surface and placing one hand on top of it to hold it in place. Hold the knife in your other hand and cut the slices from bottom to top, cctv icon download taking care to keep your fingers out of the way. 4 Spread out the sliced bagels on an ungreased, nonstick baking sheet. Spray the bage l chips lightly with a butter-flavored cooking spray, or use a pastry brush to lightly spread extra-virgin olive oil onto the chips. 5 Projet Familles Parisiennes Enhance the garlic flavor by sprinkling the chips with garlic powder. Add more flavor by sprinkling them with a dried herb, such as bas .

t burn.Breakfast Start your kid's day with a balanced breakfast of fresh fruit and a healthy spin on another breakfast favorite. Mix ci nnamon applesauce and cooked lentils into your batter to add protein and vitamins to pancakes or waffles. Slice fresh banana onto a fav orite healthy breakfast cereal for added nutrients. Fruit smoothies and whey protein shakes are great for kids on the go and are availa ble in a variety of flavors. Stay away from processed sugars in morning foods as they offer a short-lived energy burst followed by a pe l2 c3 textures download riod of low energy. A simple cold glass of pure fruit juice will round out a light breakfast and give your kids plenty of energy to sus tain them through the morning hours. Lunch Serve your kids a fresh nutrient-packed lunch they will enjoy. Present kids with filling lun Projet Familles Parisiennes ch foods that they enjoy or they will seek other, usually less healthy options or snack between meals. Give your kids a variety of heal .

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