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nk below). White Tea contains high levels of both caffeine and EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) - compounds proven to help weight loss. Yet White Tea has a more delicate flavour and contains less caffeine than Green or Black tea.What a great reason to start drinking Whit e Tea! 2 Tea experts all have opinions about the proper way to brew any tea, but since the studies used tea extract, rather than just t ea, it's safe to assume that any health properties will be maximized by brewing the tea longer than some experts may recommend for 'per best edgy fonts fectly delicate' taste.Bring water to boil that will fill either a teacup or a teapot. It must be at 180 degrees or a little less to av oid a bitter result. If you do not have a thermometer, let it rest for at least 30 seconds. Place either one tablespoon of loose-leaf t Projet Familles Parisiennes ea into an infuser into a teacup, or two teabags for every cup of tea in the teapot. Fill with hot water to within 3/4 inch of the rim. .

ey to any diet is consistency. Make a habit of drinking White Tea several times a day. Drink it in the morning before work, at lunch, a nd when you get home. Drink it over ice to replace soda.It is important to leave it unsweetened, even with honey, because there's no po int in adding extra sugar calories when trying to lose weight, and artificial sweeteners have proven to increase sugar and fat cravings . So, adjust the brewing time to what is most palatable for you.Adding Stevia (a natural herbal non-sugar sweetener available at most h french computer icons ealth food stores) is ok, as is adding a bit of lemon juice or a sprig of mint. It may ruin the delicate flavor, but if it doesn't tast e good you won't drink it. 4 Drinking White Tea isn't just good for weight loss. It has natural antioxidants in it that are also good f Projet Familles Parisiennes or your health.History Until 1870, Sri Lanka had no clue about tea or its cultivation. Their major crop was coffee. In the year 1869, a .

al Gardens of Peradeniya. This is how tea cultivation started in Ceylon, or Sri Lanka. Geography Sri Lanka is divided into various prov inces. Details about tea cultivation based on these provinces follow:Central province: Kandy, Nuwara EliyaUva province: Badulla, Bandar awela, HaputaleSouthern province: Galle, Matara, MulkirigalaSabaragamuva province : Ratnapura, KegalleTea produced in Nuwara Eliya has a special fragrance and flavor. The flavor of the tea is determined by two factors; namely, south-western monsoon and cold weather. Ben maya substance textures download efits 1. Ceylon tea is rich in antioxidants and therefore helps in lowering the risk of getting cancer.2. As Ceylon tea has lots of ant ioxidants it helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the blood vessels thereby preventing high blood pressure and heart attacks.3. Acco Projet Familles Parisiennes rding to recent studies, it is shown that drinking four cups of Ceylon tea a day for a period of one month helps in increasing blood ci .

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