Projet Familles Parisiennes

ng homemade whipping cream may be more in line with the hippie movement's principles. 6 Inform party guests of the menu's historic and cultural relevance with explanatory index cards on the serving table next to each dish.Characteristics and Food Uses 1 Use all parts of fresh fennel as the bulb, leaves, stalk, and seeds are all edible. Its taste is unique and can be compared to licorice or anise. It ca n be cut into many different shapes and sizes to fit into different recipes according to preference. Many chefs use the leaves for seas frontpage webpage templates oning stocks, soups, and stews. Fennel also lends itself well to being sauteed with other vegetables. 2 Try new recipes using fennel fo r a unique, aromatic taste. Its pungent flavor adds a delicious new taste when combined with salmon or other fish dishes. Many salad re Projet Familles Parisiennes cipes call for the addition of fresh fennel, especially those made with avocados and oranges. Fennel complements almost all dishes made .

sonings is fennel. Try adding fresh fennel leaves to extra virgin olive oil for a unique condiment. Add fresh leaves to dishes just bef ore serving as cooking sometimes diminishes the flavor of fennel. Health Uses 4 Consider adding fresh fennel to your diet to help provi de many essential nutrients. It is an excellent source of fiber and may help reduce cholesterol levels. It is a good source of the B vi tamin folate. It is also rich in potassium, which helps to lower high blood pressure. Fennel contains a combination of phytonutrients t free physics powerpoint templates hus making it a good antioxidant. Fresh fennel can be eaten either raw or cooked. 5 Choose fennel leaves for their medicinal uses in tr eating symptoms of congestion, colds and sinus, digestion problems, arthritis, and even pet care. It has qualities that make it useful Projet Familles Parisiennes in weight-loss programs. The phytonutrient anethole, that occurs naturally is fennel, has been shown to inhibit stomach spasms in the i .

of honey.Parts Used Typically the flowers of the hibiscus are used in teas. The flowers are either red or yellow with a purple center. The plant is common in India and in other tropical and warm regions of the world. Electrolytes Hibiscus is high in electrolytes, which makes it great for replenishing the body after exercise. Electrolytes effect the muscles, amount of water in the body, and blood acid levels. Blood Pressure Hibiscus tea was found to lower blood pressure in a study at Tufts University. People were given three cups of h 3d models from photographs ibiscus tea a day in the study. Vitamin C The vitamin C levels in hibiscus make the tea an effective remedy against the flu, colds and coughs. Rose hips make a great addition to hibiscus tea because of their added vitamin C. Weight Loss Hibiscus tea inhibits enzymes tha Projet Familles Parisiennes t break down complex sugars an starches, making it a safe alternative to weight loss. When amylase enzymes are blocked by hibiscus, it .

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