Projet Familles Parisiennes

of water. If your diet will allow it, a little skim milk mixed in with your powder shakes can dramatically increase the taste without adding too many calories. Once again, use about a cup of milk when making your next shake. 4 Add fresh fruit. Fruit tastes great and ca n also give you a thicker shake. Bananas work best to getting a nice creamy consistency. But you can use berries or any other fruit you prefer. 5 Add a little peanut butter. While still a fat, peanut butter is one of the best fats to have in your diet, and a little fat free picnic powerpoint templates combined with your weight-training regimen could actually do you some good. Two tablespoons of peanut butter mixed into your weight gai ner shake not only makes the shake taste much better, but it also gives it a creamier consistency.1 Wash the crook neck summer squash t Projet Familles Parisiennes horoughly in lukewarm water. 2 Slice off the tip of the neck and the very edge of the base with a sharp knife. Discard those pieces. 3 .

e, and turn the heat up to medium high. Turn the squash frequently, adding salt and pepper as you do. (You can also add chopped garlic and a sprinkle of nutmeg at this point if desired.) 6 Remove the pan from the heat when the squash is cooked through in about five to s ix minutes.Properties Rosehip tea is caffeine-free and has a refreshing tart, tangy taste very similar to unsweetened cranberry juice. Drink it hot or cold. Rosehips possess significantly higher levels of Vitamin C than citrus fruits. They also contain Vitamins A, B-1, 3d models from photo B-2, B-3, E, K, P, organic antioxidant bioflavonoids, polyphenols, carotenoids, lycopene, rutin, potassium, calcium, iron and pectin, a ccording to History of Use Rosehip tea has been used medicinally for centuries by indigenous peoples in North and Sou Projet Familles Parisiennes th America, Scandinavia and northern Europe, northern Africa, and in central and western Asia. Preparation For 1 cup hot tea: Add 2 tab .

ps in cheesecloth or small muslin bag and place in a heat-proof glass or ceramic jar or pitcher. Fill with 1 quart boiling purified wat er and steep for 10 minutes. Add slices of fresh lemons or lemon juice and/or your favorite sweetener, if desired, and refrigerate. Hea lth Benefits Rosehip tea is recommended by alternative medicine practitioners for relieving cold, flu and nervous stress symptoms, naus ea, headaches, menstrual cramps, kidney and bladder infections, diarrhea and dizziness.The pectin in rosehips binds with intestinal fat making 3d model atom s in stools before they're absorbed in the bloodstream to relieve constipation and lower cholesterol.The antioxidants and bioflavonoids in rosehips enhance circulation and boost the body's immune system by attacking free radicals. Other Uses To soothe tired eyes, dip tw Projet Familles Parisiennes o cotton balls in cold, strong rosehip tea. Lie down, close your eyes and place one cotton ball on top of each eyelid.Rosehip tea has a .

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