Projet Familles Parisiennes

same method you would use to make any other hot tea--heat water to the boiling point, pour it into a pre-heated tea pot, add high-qual ity loose-leaf tea to the pot and let it steep for two to three minutes. Pour it into a tea cup, being careful to strain the leaves, th en add milk or sugar. Benefits Earl grey tea is said to be helpful in alleviating anxiety. Because bergamot essential oil has antisepti c and germicidal properties, Earl grey tea can assist in fighting oral wounds and infections. Additionally, black tea contains catechin 3d models from images and fluoride, which can help prevent tooth decay as well as combat halitosis. Desserts Recently, a number of chefs, chocolatiers and c onfectioners have begun adding bergamot orange tea to desserts. Bergamot orange tea's crisp, clean flavor makes it a wonderful foil for Projet Familles Parisiennes chocolate, rich creamy desserts, lemony cakes, vanilla-heavy recipes and fruit-based delicacies. Earl grey chocolate, cookies and ice .

as duck. Bergamot Oranges Bergamot oranges (citrus aurantium ssp. bergamia) are a small citrus fruit originating in Asia. Bergamot ora nges are used to make marmalade, candy and other confections. Bergamot essential oil is often used in aromatherapy massage products, as well as in skincare products. It is also a universal perfume additive, as it blends well with a wide variety of scents. Because its wa rm, spicy citrus scent is gender-neutral, bergamot essential oil is used in both men's and women's perfumes and colognes. Most bergamot makeup 3d models grown today is cultivated in Calabria, Italy, but it is also produced in Argentina, Brazil and the U.S. state of Georgia.History Tea h as been brewed and consumed for thousands of years. Legend suggests tea was invented accidentally in 2737 B.C. when Chinese Emperor She Projet Familles Parisiennes n-Neng unknowingly boiled tea leaves in his water. Not wanting to waste the water, he drank the tea and shared his new invention with h .

m the leaves of the "Camellia sinesis" plant (also known as the tea tree plant). The plant is an evergreen type shrub that naturally co ntains caffeine. Black, green, white and oolong teas are all made from the leaves of this plant. These are the only true teas, and thei r differences come from the way the leaves are processed.Herbal teas do not come from the Camellia sinesis plant and are not really tea at all. Herbal teas, also known as tisane, are infusions of different botanicals, such as non-tea tree leaves, roots, berries, fruits xara3d6 download fonts and seeds, with hot water. Since the plants used in making herbal tea do not contain caffeine, herbal teas are naturally caffeine free. Types There many types of herbal teas. Popular varieties include mint, chamomile, ginger, red rooibos and lemongrass. There are also m Projet Familles Parisiennes any varieties of fruit-flavored herbal teas. Some true teas are infused with these same herbs, spices and fruits to change their flavor .

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