Projet Familles Parisiennes

steeping for three minutes; black tea should steep for five minutes. Green tea makes a refreshing drink on a hot day; pour into a pitch er after steeping, chill and then serve over crushed ice.1 Place your marigold flowers into a small cup or container. 2 Heat 1 cup of w ater until it reaches a boiling point. Pour the boiling water into the container with the marigold leaves. 3 Cover the cup and let the tea steep for 15 minutes. Use a strainer to remove the flowers from the tea. 4 Add honey or sugar for taste, if desired. Serve the cale 3d models frog ndula tea while it's hot.1 Fill a medium-sized container, such as a freezer-safe storage container, to the halfway mark. Place the cont ainer in a freezer. Leave the container uncovered. 2 Check on the water in 30-minute intervals. When the water has frozen into a large Projet Familles Parisiennes chunk, but there is still unfrozen water in the container, remove the container from the freezer. 3 Drain off the unfrozen water, or re .

ich can be purchased from an online retailer or a home supply store, to test the effectiveness of the process.1 Pick fresh nettles. Do this by hand or with scissors. Nettles have small needles that can be painful, so wear gloves, if you choose. Pick the youngest nettles to avoid the bitterness that comes with older ones. 2 Wash the nettles in cold water. This will remove traces of dirt or pesticides. 3 Place the nettles in a saucepan, and add enough water to cover them. Bring the water to a boil and let simmer until the water turns li make poser 3d model ght green. 4 Remove the nettles with tongs or strain the water into a clean mug. 5 Sweeten the tea to your taste. Add lemon if you like . Lemons change the color of the tea from green to pink.1 Pour both Kool-Aid packets, any flavor you wish, into the 2 Quart pitcher.If Projet Familles Parisiennes you need more than 2 Quarts of Popsicles, Use 2 Packets of Kool-Aid per 2 Quarts. This will help to maintain the flavor after freezing. .

nsert the tops with sticking onto the Popsicle TrayORFill ice cube tray 3/4 full. Cover the ice cube tray with plastic wrap. Poke a hol d trough the plastic wrap with the tooth picks or Popsicle sticks. Each tooth pick should be in the middle of each ice cube Popsicle. 4 Freeze the Popsicles for about four hours or until frozen solid.When removing the Popsicles from the tray, you can dip the tray into w arm water to make the Popsicle easier to remove.1 Line a baking sheet with wax paper. Place the saucepan on the stove and heat over med html custom fonts ium high heat 2 Place the oil, sugar, food coloring and popcorn into the preheated pan. Cover with the lid, leaving it slightly ajar to release excess steam. This will prevent your popcorn from becoming soggy. 3 Shake the pan with one hand on the handle and the other ke Projet Familles Parisiennes eping the lid in place to allow steam to escape. 4 Listen for the popcorn to pop. It will take three to five minutes for your popcorn t .

Projet Familles Parisiennes | Projet Familles Parisiennes | Projet Familles Parisiennes | Projet Familles Parisiennes