Projet Familles Parisiennes

butter (smooth or crunchy). Enlist the help of little hands to help count five raisins for each celery stick. Then press the raisins in to the peanut butter. Jigglin' Juicy Snacks Another fun snack idea that your kids can help with is jigglin' juicy snacks. Bring 1 bottl e Apple Flavor Libby's Juicy Juice to a boil in a saucepan. Remove it from the hot burner and stir in 2 6-ounce packages of gelatin des sert, any flavor, until it is dissolved completely. Pour the mixture into a 13- by 9-inch baking dish and refrigerate for two hours or steele audio books until it is firm. Then dip the bottom of the baking dish in warm water for a few seconds to loosen the gelatin. With your kids, cut it into shapes using cookie cutters and lift the shapes from the dish. Snowy Trail Mix Another sweet snack, snow trail mix is made by mixi Projet Familles Parisiennes ng in a large bowl 3 cups pretzel sticks, 1? cups corn cereal such as Crispix, ? cup pecan halves, ? cup cashews and ? cup dried cranbe .

n do a lot with sweet potatoes for a sweet-but-healthy snack. Cut them like French fries, spray them with low-fat cooking spray and bak e at 375 degrees F for 20 minutes. Sprinkle them with salt or seasoning mix if desired. Sweet potato coins can be made much the same wa y. Slice them into smaller, roundish pieces, spray them and coat them with cinnamon and sugar before baking. Make sweet potato boats by cutting sweet potatoes in half and cooking them in the microwave for six to seven minutes. Top the boats with a couple of marshmallows egg diet and cinnamon; then cut cheese wedges in the shape of sails and place on top. Shrunken Sandwiches Cut ham and cheese slices into small rounds the size of regular or mini Ritz crackers using a clean medicine bottle. Put a ham round on one cracker before adding a cheese r Projet Familles Parisiennes ound and another cracker on top. Taco Munch Combine 6 cups popped, unsalted popcorn, 3 cups toasted corn cereal squares, and 1 cup mini .

nces of cheddar cheese cut into 1/2-inch cubes just before serving. Crunchy Garbanzo Beans For a more sophisticated snack appreciated b y, for example, adult guests on movie night, line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil and preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Rinse 2 15-ounce drained cans of garbanzo beans and dry the beans with a paper towel. Place the beans in a bowl and toss them with 2 tablesp oons olive oil, ? teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Spread them evenly on the prepared baking sheet and bake chic blog templates for 30 minutes---stir the beans by shaking the pan halfway through. Sprinkle the beans with 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary and co ok for another 8 to 10 minutes until the beans are crunchy (though some will still be soft in the middle). Transfer them to a serving b Projet Familles Parisiennes owl and toss with 3 tablespoons freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. Themes Make a few different kinds of snacks that share a the .

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