Projet Familles Parisiennes

icked once they are a vibrant orange or red. Wait until after the first frost of fall to ensure the rose hips are sweet. 2 Use scissors to cut off the stems. Also, cut off the dead blossoms. 3 Use a knife to cut the rose hips in half. Use your fingers to remove and disc ard the seeds. 4 Wash the inside and outside of the rose hips well with cold running water before using them. Rose hip jam 5 Place one pound of prepared rose hips into a large saucepan. Add one cup of tap water and place over medium-high heat. Bring the water to a boil. frog templates invitations 6 Place a lid on the saucepan. Reduce the heat to medium and allow the water to simmer for the next 20 minutes. Check the water period ically and add more if it seems to be evaporating. The rose hips should be mostly submerged. After 20 minutes they should be soft. 7 Us Projet Familles Parisiennes e a strainer to drain the water from the rose hips. Use the bottom of a measuring cup to press them through the strainer back into the .

ssary. Place the saucepan back over medium heat and allow the mixture to simmer and reduce. You are looking for a jelly consistency. 9 Place your prepared jam into mason jars. Sterilize the jars first by boiling them in a pot of water for five minutes to kill any germs. Place the lid and rings on the jars and store your jam in the refrigerator. Rose hip tea 10 Place two cups of cool tap water into a me dium saucepan. Add four to six rose hips to the pan. This will be eight to twelve rose hips halves. 11 Place the saucepan over medium h free powerpoint templates abstract eat. Bring the water to a boil. 12 Allow the water and rose hips to boil for 30 minutes for a stronger tea or less if you want your tea weak. 13 Pour your tea through a mesh strainer and into a mug to remove the solid pieces. 14 Sweeten your tea as you like.Frozen Conce Projet Familles Parisiennes ntrated Beverages Fruit juices in frozen concentrate cans may be less expensive due to the limited packaging needed for them, but they .

e boxes that school-age children are so fond of. Granola, Energy and Breakfast Bars Granola, energy and breakfast bars are typically hi gh in fiber and considered healthy for you, but the addition of high-fructose corn syrup can offset this benefit. The addition of the f ructose enhances the flavor of the fruits, balances the spices, provides a soft texture and keeps the product fresh longer in its packa ging. Spaghetti Sauces High-fructose corn syrup may seem unlikely in savory spaghetti sauces but it is necessary to balance the spices 3d models free and to keep them from being too acidic or bitter from the tomato products. Condiments The high-fructose corn syrup balances the tangy t aste in condiments such as ketchup. In recipes just a touch of sugar is needed to enhance certain spices and this is why it is necessar Projet Familles Parisiennes y in condiments such as salad dressing, bottled marinades and barbecue sauces. Breakfast Cereals High-fructose corn syrup is common in .

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