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tory drink, and is served at Egyptian weddings.Salves A very simple recipe for an herbal salve is 1 part beeswax to 4 parts oil infused with various herbs. Choose any herbs you like for your salve and bruise fresh whole herbs or crumble dried ones into a good-quality oi l. Olive oil, safflower oil, almond and avocado oils are all good choices. All of them contain vitamins that are beneficial to the skin and will help soften dryness and smooth away scarring.Simmer the oil with the herbs for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally so tha sterling audio books t the mixture doesn't burn. Meanwhile, melt your beeswax in an old pot. Good beeswax will be golden yellow and smell slightly of honey. It may be available a herb shop or New Age store. If not, you'll find it at most candle-making shops.Stretch cheesecloth or set a stra Projet Familles Parisiennes iner over the melted wax and strain the oil into the wax. Stir them together so they mix thoroughly and pour them into a glass or heat- .

bably best to leave it out. However, there are herbs you will want to add to almost every salve you make. Rosehips are an excellent ski n reparative, as are lavender and chamomile. Chamomile is especially good for treating burns and scars. Ginger and eucalyptus are effec tive for treating inflammation and pain.If harvesting your herbs fresh, make sure you have pictures of what you want to harvest so you don't get the wrong thing. Harvest only two or three stems from a plant and leave something behind to honor the plant's sacrifice. Acco Eat clean diet rding to "A Druid's Herbal," tobacco, sage, a little compost or your favorite wine are all acceptable libations. This shows the plant t hat you don't take its gift for granted. You may also want to ask the plant's permission before clipping. If you get a negative feeling Projet Familles Parisiennes , move on to a more willing plant.For dried herbs, your local herb shop should have very high-quality unmixed herbs. Brand-name spices .

a January 2006 article titled "Tea and Oral Health," plaque is made up of over 300 species of bacteria. (See Reference.) These bacteria produce enzymes that break down sugar to produce a sticky substance that acts like a paste used by bacteria to adhere to the surfaces of teeth. Plaque produces acids that break down tooth enamel and lead to tooth decay. Effects Black tea contains several naturally occu rring substances that help prevent plaque and thus gum disease. Its polyphenols include flavonoids, tannins and fluoride. According to frog templates invitations Dr. Wu, flavonoids can inhibit the ability of oral bacteria to form plaque by attacking the bacteria that create the enzymes that break down sugar. Without the sticky paste that bacteria use to form plaque, the bacteria cannot attach themselves to teeth and cause decay. Projet Familles Parisiennes Dr. Wu's 2001 study showed that rinsing with black tea 10 times a day reduced the size and stickiness of plaque and also inhibited pla .

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