Projet Familles Parisiennes

imes for common teas include 185 degrees Fahrenheit for green tea for three minutes, 190 degrees for five minutes for oolongs, and 212 degrees for five minutes for black teas, assuming one teaspoon of loose tea per 8 ounces of water. 6 Remove tea leaves after steeping o r decant tea into a serving teapot. 7 Remove tea and tea leaves when finished. Rinse well with hot water and pat dry with a towel.Age C onsiderations Determine whether your snack audience will be little kids, teens or adults. Youngsters often prefer simple, single fruit free powerpoint templates agriculture flavors presented in easy-to-hold portions. Older kids tend to like volume and interesting presentation. Try flavor and texture combina tions when serving fruit snacks to adults with a more mature palate.Cut apples into matchsticks, toss with a splash of orange juice to Projet Familles Parisiennes keep from browning and serve the apple sticks in a stack on small colorful paper plate for a children's party snack. Make a teen-size a .

ft cheese on a multigrain or rye cracker, top with 2 or 3 thin slices of apple, add a dash of aged balsamic vinegar and sprinkle with f resh thyme leaves. Cutting and Shapes Make snacks fun with creative cutting techniques. Instead of offering peeled orange segments, sli ce a whole orange in ?-inch rounds, then cut each round in half, creating a half-moon shape that can be sucked and munched with the out side peel as a rim to hold on to. Slice kiwi the same, so a single bite of the pulpy green fruit is satisfying and the outer skin easil 3d models free obj y discarded.Use small cookie cutters to create unexpected interesting fruit shapes. Cut a seedless watermelon into thin slices and cut out heart, diamond, circular or star shapes. Fruit leather, dried fruit rolls and sliced pears, peaches and melon can also be cut into Projet Familles Parisiennes shapes with mini-cookie cutters. Presentation Simple healthful fruit snacks may be served in cupcake papers. Use foil papers or multipl .

. Grill on the barbecue, basting with olive oil and herbs to create an unusual hearty and healthy sweet snack.Energy Boost A small brea kfast that consists of carbohydrates and protein is a good way to start your day. If you need a quick boost, a sensible amount of coffe e is OK, as is a snack of nuts or almonds. A diet that consists of grains, fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, legumes, seeds and nuts w ill keep you energized all day. Office Energy If you need to be mentally alert but lunch is not around the corner, there are certain fo make 3d paper models ods that will help keep you on your game. A piece of fruit is your best bet, but a chunk of cheese also will do the trick. Pre-Workout While many people think that eating a lot of carbohydrates before working out is a good idea, it is not. It is best not to eat immediat Projet Familles Parisiennes ely before working out. If you must, though, a piece of fruit is your best option. Sweets A small amount of solid chocolate is a health .

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