Projet Familles Parisiennes

slices about 1/4 inch1 tsp of honey 2 Mix in the blender using pulse or turning it on and off. You don't want it the consistency of a smoothie but more like a yogurt parfait with granola in it. 3 After mixing in the blender, then pour into cups. I add a couple of tsp o f granola on top then cut up another banana and spread them on top of each of the cups.Then just eat up and enjoy!Lavender Lavender (La vandula angustifolia or Lavandula officinalis), native to the Mediterranean, is now grown in temperate climates worldwide. For centurie success audio books s, lavender has been used by herbal practitioners to prevent baldness and to encourage new hair growth. Lavender contains potent anti-b acterial agents that soothe and heal scalp infections. It is useful in treating dandruff and adds volume to the hair shaft. Place a few Projet Familles Parisiennes sprigs of lavender in a glass container and cover with extra-virgin olive oil and cover tightly. Place in a cool, dark spot and allow .

reduce to simmer for 20 minutes, then cool) will impart a delightful fragrance and shine to hair. Apply lavender as a daily rinse afte r shampooing. Burdock Burdock (Arctium Lappa) root oil, also known as Bur oil is one of the most important herbs used to restore hair. Burdock promotes healthy hair by relieving scalp irritations and improving blood circulation to the hair follicle. Burdock root oil sup plies natural phytosterols and important essential fatty acids to hair roots, and has been traditionally used to reduce and reverse hai detox diet r thinning. It is a key ingredient in many hair restoration treatments. Saw Palmetto Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) has been used for ce nturies as both a food staple and as a healing medicinal herb. The herb produces a dark red berry which is dried and then pulverized in Projet Familles Parisiennes to a fine powder. Saw palmetto is available in several forms including ointments, capsules, tinctures and teas. Recent scientific studi .

nd growing naturalized across America, blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Excessive DHT contributes to hair loss in both m en and women. Stinging nettle can be purchased in either pill or capsule form and is said to be more effective when used in combination with saw palmetto. Nettle can be harvested in the wild (use gloves as the leaves are covered with tiny hairs that cause a stinging sen sation upon contact with human skin). The fresh leaves can be submersed in olive oil in a glass jar. Seal and place in a cool, dark spo free template gravestone t for 2 to 3 weeks. Apply the oil in an invigorating scalp massage. Stinging nettle essential oil is frequently an ingredient in organi c shampoos and conditioners. Rosemary Used for centuries in cultures worldwide to promote hair growth and delay the onset of gray hair, Projet Familles Parisiennes Rosemary oil stimulates blood circulation of the scalp. A refreshing daily rinse of rosemary leaves simmered in water retains hair col .

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