Projet Familles Parisiennes

ge the kabobs on the platter so the ends are easy to grab. Add some bowls of fruit dip that the guests can drizzle over their kabobs fo r added flavor. Themed Trays Choose a theme for the fruit tray for a distinct look. A tropical fruit tray is a popular option. Include pineapple, mango, papaya, bananas, starfruit and other tropical options available in your local grocery stores. Add chunks of fresh coc onut to garnish the tropical fruit tray. A whole fruit tray is a theme that works well for brunches. Place whole apples, bananas, bunch paper textures download photoshop es of grapes, oranges and other fruits to the tray. The guests can grab the fruit of their choice easily and you won't have a juicy mes s on the tray. You can also use color themes, types of fruit or seasonal fruits as the theme of the trays. Other Food Accents Another w Projet Familles Parisiennes ay to dress up a fruit platter is to combine it with other food types. Cheese and fruit are often served together. Grapes, apples, stra .

chunks of pound cake on the fruit tray. Add a cream cheese fruit dip to the tray. The guests can spread the cream cheese dip on the co okies followed by the fruit to make their own mini fruit pizzas.1 Add 3 tablespoons of canola oil to a 3-quart sauce pan. Tip the pan b ack and forth so that the oil covers the length of the pan; this will ensure even heating. Heat the oil to medium. Do not add the kerne ls; one common mistake is adding the kernels too early. 2 Place a few popcorn kernels into the pan. Wait for them to pop. When these ke telugu audio books rnels pop, it means that the pan is hot enough and ready for the rest of the kernels. 3 Pour enough popcorn kernels to cover the bottom of the pan in one layer. Place the lid on the saucepan. Do not pour too many kernels into the pan. Use high-quality popcorn kernels. A Projet Familles Parisiennes void the cheaper kernels and opt for kernels that are large and golden. 4 Remove the pan from the burner for thirty seconds and then re .

he popcorn from burning. Once you notice that the popping is slowing--where it seems that a kernel pops only once ever couple of second s-- remove the pan from the heat and pour the popcorn into a large bowl. 6 Add salt and butter to taste.1 Combine cloves, ginger root a nd cinnamon in a blender to smooth to a powdery finish. This step is optional but must be done first if you are choosing to include spi ces. Add spice mixture to a quart of room temperature water. Stir gently. 2 Place plain water or water containing spice mixture in a la 7 Day Diet rge pot. Bring to a boil. 3 Add tea bags or leaves. This will depend on how strong you like your tea. About 4 tablespoons to a quart is a good start, or about 8 bags of tea. Allow to steep for five to seven minutes over medium heat. 4 Mix in desired sweeteners, fruit pi Projet Familles Parisiennes eces or fruit juice. Allow to steep an additional three to four minutes on medium low heat. 5 Remove pot from heat after the steeping t .

Projet Familles Parisiennes | Projet Familles Parisiennes | Projet Familles Parisiennes | Projet Familles Parisiennes