Projet Familles Parisiennes

o five processing steps. Because the leaves are steamed immediately after picking, they retain their green color. Green Leaves intended for green tea are either steamed or pan-fired to stop any oxidation. Because they are heated immediately after being picked, they rema in green in color. In China, green tea leaves are steamed, but in Japan they are fired. In both methods, the leaf becomes soft. The nex t step in the process is to roll the leaves. Tea makers roll leaves in different styles, including a long roll, a ball, twisting or eve make 3d model n flat. Where the leaf is grown typically determines the rolling style. Heating or firing the rolled tea leaves dries them out so they are ready for use. The green color in the leaves gives green tea special health benefits through its antioxidants. Oolong Oolong teas a Projet Familles Parisiennes re somewhere between green and black tea in regards to processing. The leaves are withered and partially oxidized after picking and bef .

e darker. The amount of time leaves are oxidized depends on the style of oolong. Some are only 10-percent oxidized, while others are up to 70-percent oxidized. The tea leaves are heated or fired to stop the oxidation and dry them out. Black Black teas contain the most p rocessed leaves. First the leaves are laid out on racks and withered for 14 to 24 hours. Next, the leaves are rolled and twisted to rel ease the natural enzymes and to prepare them for oxidation. They still retain a green color at this point. After rolling the leaves, th cute colorful fonts ey are ready for oxidation. They sit in a cool, humid area and begin to ferment as polyphenols and pectin combine with oxygen and enzym es. Oxidation gives black tea its color and flavor. The length of fermentation time depends on the style and maker of the tea. Finally, Projet Familles Parisiennes the leaves are dried or fired to stop oxidation and seal in the desired flavor.1 Pour 6 oz. hot tea into a pousse-cafe glass. This par .

he hot tea. Amaretto will add a sweet rich flavor that will complement this tea cocktail. 3 Apply whipped cream to the top of the glass before serving, and garnish with a mint leaf or a cherry. 4 Serve this drink on a coaster and make sure to warn the drinker that the b everage may not have cooled completely.1 Preheat your oven for 15 minutes before roasting peanuts. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fah renheit for at least 15 minutes. 2 Lay the peanuts in a single layer on a baking sheet. 3 Roast the peanuts in the oven at 350 degrees rocket icons download Fahrenheit for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until you begin to smell a roasted nut aroma in your kitchen. 4 Crack the pe anut shells open with your hands. Let the peanuts cool completely before cracking the shells with your hands and eating the peanuts ins Projet Familles Parisiennes ide.1 Pour acai juice into a blender with the whole frozen strawberries at the bottom. 2 Add four sliced bananas to the blender. 3 Pour .

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