Projet Familles Parisiennes

Projet Familles Parisiennes

By eating a half-cup of oatmeal every morning, you add six grams of soluble fiber to your diet, more if you add a banana or apple to y our meal. Blueberries Blueberries are a great source of Vitamin C and also a powerful antioxidant, which slows the cell-damaging oxidat ion of the body's cells. Blueberries contain the compound pterostilbene, which has similar cholesterol-fighting abilities as the antiox idant resveratrol, a compound that exists in grapes and red wine, and is reported to aid in the body's defenses against cancer, heart d learning calligraphy fonts isease and cholesterol. Nuts Nuts, specifically pistachios, walnuts and almonds, are packed with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fa ts and omega-3 fats and antioxidants. Nuts are effective in promoting blood-vessel health and reducing the damage to your arteries from Projet Familles Parisiennes saturated fats. However, nuts are also high in calories, so be sure not to eat too many. About one handful a day will do the trick to .

30 grams of fat, but 26 of those grams are unsaturated fats that are healthy for your heart. Eating foods such as guacamole, or simply adding a slice of avocado to your sandwich, will fill your body with these healthy fats, as will cooking as often as possible with oli ve oil. You can use it as a substitute for butter and marinades or to saut¨¦ or roast vegetables. Fish and Fish Oil Fish contain omega- 3 fatty acids, which help lower LDL, or bad cholesterol, and raise HDL, or good cholesterol. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are beach desktop icons also known to lower triglycerides, which is how fat is stored in the body. The American Heart Association recommends eating about two s ervings of fatty fish per week, such as mackerel, salmon, trout and herring. You can also purchase fish oil capsules from specialty nut Projet Familles Parisiennes rition stores.1 Bring water to a rolling boil in a kettle. For a great cup of tea, use fresh, filtered water. If you are using white te .

irst prevents this from happening. 3 Use loose tea leaves instead of a tea bag. The finer the tea, the better it will taste. Purchase s pecialty tea at supermarkets or natural food shops. The standard ratio is one rounded teaspoon of tea leaves to every six ounces of wat er. Measure out the tea leaves and put them into your teapot. If you don't have a strainer to pour the leaves into, or don't want to us e one, you can purchase a tea infuser. 4 Pour the boiling water from the kettle into the teapot. 5 Steep your tea depending on your own photoshop fabric textures download personal taste and what type of tea you are using. Black tea should be steeped for three to five minutes, green tea should steep for a bout two to four minutes, and oolong tea for about five to seven minutes. Oversteeping tea could leave you with a bitter-tasting tea, s Projet Familles Parisiennes o set a timer so you'll have perfectly steeped tea. 6 Pour tea into a mug through a strainer, or remove the tea infuser from the teapot .

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