Projet Familles Parisiennes

Projet Familles Parisiennes

, or you can buy it Mexican markets or order it online. 2 Mix about 3 cups of the masa with about 1/2 tbsp. of salt and enough water to make a thick dough. You can stir in a little vegetable oil, if you want, but that is optional. Taste the dough and add more salt if ne eded, but don't get the dough extremely salty. You'll be sprinkling salt on the surface of the chips later. 3 Divide the dough into sma ll 2-inch balls. 4 Using wax paper and a tortilla press or a couple of heavy pans, press the dough balls into rounds as flat as you can trilogy audio books get them. 5 Heat up a saute pan or skillet until very hot; fry each tortilla until lightly browned, about 30 seconds per side. 6 Cut e ach tortilla into wedges when cool enough to handle. 7 Turn on the deep fryer, or heat up to 3 inches of vegetable oil or shortening in Projet Familles Parisiennes your deep saute pan. 8 Fry the tortilla wedges in small batches. Don't overcrowd. Keep a very close eye on them; it doesn't take long .

Updated Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on toast are sure to elicit a blas¨¦ response from your kids. Luckily, a few minor tweaks wi ll make this lunch staple much more interesting. Instead of traditional toast, use two whole-wheat or multigrain waffles. In place of j elly, which can contain a lot of sugar, use fresh banana, apple or strawberry slices. You can also use crushed pineapple from a can as a substitute for jam. Dippable Foods for Lunch Kids might not be enthusiastic about eating a salad for lunch because, without access to the zone diet a refrigerator, lettuce and spinach can easily wilt. However, there is a way to make sure they get plenty of veggies. Pack celery and carrot sticks, broccoli pieces, cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes and strips of bell peppers along with a container of hummus or Italian Projet Familles Parisiennes dressing. Grilled chicken strips, pita bread and whole black olives also make a great dippable lunch. Cold Pasta Ditch the notion that .

ozen veggies. Heat the veggies, mix them with the pasta salad and put the mixture in a resealable container. Pasta and bell peppers smo thered in marinara sauce make another excellent choice. Just make sure you do not send your kid to school in a white shirt that day.Hot and Sweet Venison Jerky The spices you need for this jerky are brown sugar, soy sauce, molasses, Worcestershire sauce, garlic and onio n powder, canning salt, red pepper flakes, black pepper and powdered cayenne pepper. Mild and Smokey Venison Jerky Worcestershire sauce free templates office , soy sauce, black pepper, garlic and onion powder, seasoned salt, brown sugar and liquid smoke are the spices required for this recipe . Hot Venison Jerky The eye watering spices included in this recipe are gold tequila, canning salt, white sugar, pepper sauce, powdered Projet Familles Parisiennes cayenne, chopped jalape?os and chopped habanera peppers. Baja Style Deer Jerky Spices in this recipe include salt, black pepper, coria .

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