Projet Familles Parisiennes

workers to wash their hands. Some states require a mop sink to be separate from the other sinks, so it is advisable to install one. Wi ndows and Doors Most concession trailers are required to have at least two windows so that customers who haven't ordered are separated from customers who have ordered. One window is for taking people's orders while the other is to serve the food. Some states require the se windows to be covered by a screen to keep bugs out of the trailer. Others do not. Doors for employees to the trailer must shut on th troubleshooting audio books eir own so there is no way they can be left open. This minimizes the chance that any bugs or rodents get inside the trailer and contami nate the food. Cooling Ability Any concessions trailer that prepares and serves perishable food such as meats, cheeses, fruits and vege Projet Familles Parisiennes tables, must have a way to keep the food cold while the concession stand is in operation. Coolers with ice are not up to health code, s .

with less chance of being shut down for violating health codes.Nutritional Information In a 2006 study by the University of Toronto, Da vid Jenkins and Dr. Cyril Kendall stated that soy protein, including tofu, could help lower total cholesterol level by up to 30 percent . This protein may lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels by as much as 40 percent. Features Tofu is made from soy milk, and its flavor is quite neutral. You can purchase tofu in cube form, and it is off-white in color. Tofu comes in a range of consistencies from "firm" to Wheat Belly "silken." Uses You can use almost any cooking method to prepare tofu, and you can easily incorporate it into just about any recipe. Tof u is extremely popular in Asian cuisines and is steadily gaining favor with U.S. palates. Benefits In addition to lowering cholesterol, Projet Familles Parisiennes tofu also may reduce the risk of blood clots. It is also high in minerals, protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. Cooking Tips Tofu on its o .

elon, choosing one with dark-colored skin. The seeds will come loose easier in a ripe melon. The flat part on the bottom should be a cr eamy yellow color, not white. Thump the melon and listen for a hollow sound. Don't buy an over-ripe melon with soft spots in the rind. Avoid melons with cuts, bruises or dents. 2 Wash the melon before cutting. Cut off both ends of the melon. These will not be too seedy, as the seeds grow in a line along the length of the melon. Cut a deep slice lengthwise across the melon, down to the heart, but leavin templates flash html5 g the heart intact. Split the melon open lengthwise and cut similar strips down to the heart. The soft part of the melon that contains the seeds surrounds the heart. Strip off the mushy part from the top of the slices and from around the heart with a spoon or fork. 3 Cu Projet Familles Parisiennes t the now seedless slices into wedges, cubes or smaller slices. Although it's messy, kids like to eat the original long slices. For adu .

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