Projet Familles Parisiennes

add more water as they boil. Check the peanuts every 30 to 40 minutes. Test if they are done in a couple of hours. 5 Remove peanuts fr om the heat. Store in the refrigerator.1 Bring 4 quarts purified water to a boil in the large sterile stainless steel cooking pot. Decr ease the heat to a simmer, and add four or five black tea bags. Let them steep for 20 minutes, then remove the tea bags. Turn off the h eat. Add 2 cups sugar. Let this sit until completely cooled. 2 Pour the cooled tea into a large glass jar. Add 2/3 cup probiotic tea st 3 Day Diet arter, and carefully place the probiotic tea culture on top. 3 Cover the jar with a clean cloth (muslin, a cotton napkin or a clean dis h towel). Secure the cloth to the jar with a large rubber band. 4 Let your probiotic tea sit in a warm, dark place for 10 to 12 days. T Projet Familles Parisiennes he longer the tea sits, the stronger it will become. Test the tea by scooping out a small amount with a sterile ladle. 5 When your tea .

s condition, as it destroys all of the body's systems. In his 1933 book "A New Health Era," New York physician William Hay suggests, "A ll disease is caused by autointoxication (or self-poisoning) due to acid accumulation in the body." A pH imbalance can lead to diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and cancer. Fruits and Vegetables Broccoli has high alkaline value. To increase the pH balance within the body, focus on eating raw fruits and vegetables, as cooking can destroy necessary enzymes. Watermelon, cantaloupe, mangoes, papayas, dr volumetrics diet ied figs, dried apricots, prunes and raisins are some of the higher alkaline fruits. According to, "Nutritionists a nd scientists all over the world state that we should take in at least five dishes of vegetables and green foods per day, every day!" H Projet Familles Parisiennes igher alkaline vegetables include cucumbers, asparagus, broccoli, onions, garlic, lettuce, celery and cabbage. Nuts and Dairy Almonds h .

most alkaline form of dairy is breast milk, which is ideal for nursing infants. Slightly lower pH levels are found in soy milk, goat m ilk and buttermilk. The worst types of dairy to be consumed are the processed cheeses.1 Place 2 cups of water into a teapot, then set t he kettle onto the stove. Heat the water over medium-high heat until it boils. Do not let the water boil for long, as this will cause t oo much water to evaporate. 2 Remove the kettle from the stove and carefully pour the water into a teacup. If necessary, use a pot hold Weight Loss Cure er to remove the kettle from the stove. It is extremely important to prevent accidental burns. Remember that both the liquid and the st eam may cause burns. 3 Place a few leaves of lemon thyme into a small teacup. Use three or four leaves for a lighter tea, or use five t Projet Familles Parisiennes o six leaves for a stronger tea. Add more leaves for a larger teacup. 4 Allow the lemon thyme to steep for 5 minutes. Remove and discar .

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