Projet Familles Parisiennes

zed polyphenols than either green or black tea and that because of these polyphenols, oolong tea promotes fat metabolism more efficient ly than the other two types of tea, according to Oolong Tea. Results of Study According to a study conducted by the Beltsville Human Nu trition Research Center in Maryland in conjunction with the University of Tokushima and the Suntory Research Center in Japan, oolong te a does indeed augment fat metabolism in men. But it has not been determined whether polyphenols, caffeine or some other agent in oolong 4 Day Diet tea produces this effect, according to the Journal of Nutrition.1 Bring 3 qts. of distilled water to a boil on the stovetop. 2 Pour in 1 cup of white sugar once the water comes to a rolling boil. Stir the sugar until it dissolves, and then boil the sugar and water mixt Projet Familles Parisiennes ure for 5 minutes. 3 Turn the heat off on the stove top. Add 5 black or green tea bags. 4 Allow the tea bags to steep for 15 minutes. R .

r the opening of the glass jar with cheesecloth. Secure the cheesecloth to the jar with a rubber band. 8 Place the glass jar in a well- ventilated location away from direct sunlight. The ideal temperature range to store the tea is between 74 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Le ave the tea for six to 15 days. 9 Brew the tea until it reaches your desired taste. It will have a sparkling apple cider taste, and the n the longer it brews the more you will be able to taste the vinegar. 10 Remove the cultures from the tea with tongs carefully. Store t Fresh Diet he cultures in individual glass bowls. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place them in the refrigerator. The cultures will last for four months. 11 Pour the tea through a coffee filter into quart sized plastic bottles. Place the tea in the refrigerator.1 Put the sage Projet Familles Parisiennes leaves into one of the mugs. 2 Pour all of the hot (almost boiling) water into the mug containing the sage leaves. 3 Taste the tea aft .

ther mug. Discard the used sage leaves. 5 Add sugar or honey and lemon juice to taste, if desired.Camellia Leaves The camellia leaf is an ingredient used to make Calli tea because of its antioxidant and cancer-fighting properties. The product description of Calli tea st ates that these "antioxidants have been shown to be effective in absorbing damaging free radicals." Caffeine is also a natural componen t of camellia leaves and is known to boost energy levels and speed up metabolism. Perilla Leaves The perilla leaf is a member of the mi Hallelujah Diet nt family and is rich in vitamins and minerals. This particular leaf contains anti-inflammatory properties and has proven to be effecti ve in improving stomach function while stimulating the immune system. Mori Bark Extract Mori bark extract in Calli tea has diuretic pro Projet Familles Parisiennes perties that help the body flush itself of harmful toxins. Mori bark extract is also known to induce apoptosis (cell death), which assi .

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